3 Corporate Identity Design Tips You Don’t Want to Miss

Some marketing concepts remain the same, whether you’re using traditional methods or planning to launch an online campaign. For instance, the end goal is still to gain recognition, either for a new company, or a new product or service for an already-established company. For new firms, however, the first marketing campaign has a feel of make or break, since it may well determine how successful a firm will be from then on. 

One of these concepts is corporate identity design Dubai, or how your firm appears to clients, investors, and even to your employees. Have you ever visited another firm’s website, read their ‘About’ section or the equivalent of it, or heard about it at a business function? Corporate identity is an attempt to answer the question every company wants to be able to answer – that is, who they are, and where they’re going. 

Without your identity, in essence, your target literally won’t know you, as a firm. Usually, it’s made of 3 parts. The first is company behaviour, including how employees behave towards each other and to customers. That part is easily taken care of, since training will undoubtedly include best practices and other ‘instructions’ on how to present themselves when dealing with customers. 

The next two parts are corporate design and communications. The first includes a logo, the company’s colors, even the logo. The second involves all forms of interaction with the public – advertising, customer service, information distribution, and so on. 

The question “Who are we?” can be answered through words, perhaps in a single paragraph in the Information section of your firm’s website, or through a corporate video Dubai. However, as hinted at above, building your corporate identity is much more than words and advertising. 

  •    Don’t stop at a logo. Whether you’re revamping your tired old logo, or you’re coming up with one for your new company, it should stand for something. It isn’t just a design that you carve onto a rubber stamp and stick everywhere. Your company logo stands for what you do, not just your products.

In fact, it would help if you start, first, with what you do, what services you deal in, and – most importantly – what need you fill. A logo is a visualization of a concept or an ideal, but it’s up to your firm to deliver on that ideal.

  •   Focus on relevance. Having a logo and a uniform is useless if no one ‘gets’ your company. When your marketing campaign is done, your target audience should be able to relate to your services. That is, they should know enough to do the marketing themselves – they know what you stand for, so they can tell other people in their social circles.

Without its relevance to the public, a logo is just a picture. Not only should the elements of the logo be coherent or connected, but your audience should also feel connected to it. Otherwise, it’s all useless.

  • Sell principles. At the end of the day, people are paying for the benefits they get from using your products and services – and the principles that come with you providing them. Whether yours is an ecommerce website Dubai or something else, it’s important that you stick with your principles. Otherwise, the message you send will lose its consistency.

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